Make Life Easier

Why our products are best


Quality is the soul of our products. Finest and hand picked ingredients, strict quality controls is our promise.

Preservatives Free

Healthy products is not a choice, but a right. Guaranteed no added preservatives or chemicals in our products.


Like Mom's delicacies, treasured traditional recipes packed in love. Foods that make you nostalgic.

What customers say

Amazon Review

Amazon Review

Truly Mom's love

"Yep. Mom's love can come in a small package of goodness. Taste-wise it's the best coconut chutney I've ever experienced, it has such a crisp, fresh taste...."

Flipkart Review

Flipkart Review

Best in the market!

"Good tasty product"

Mrs. Varma

Mrs. Varma


"i am a regular customer of Easy 'n' Fresh grated coconuts since 2017, the quality and prompt delivery is unmatched.."

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Easy and Fresh, TC93/407, NSS Karayogam Road, Anayara P O, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India - 695029

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+919400561777, +914712741414
Mon - Sat, 9:30-17:30

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